
20:38 | 1.10.2014 | Viewed 0

Luka Kurtanidze Appointed Coaches

Mikheil Saladze became a head coach of the Georgian Greco-Roman wrestling team and Nugzar Skhireli will coach the freestyle wrestling team. Luka Kurtanidze, president of the Wrestling Federation, made this statement at today’s press conference. According to him, he made this decision with the Supervisory Board.

Levan Kipiani, minister of Sport and Youth Affairs, released an official letter where he requested to appoint head coaches in order to resume practicing and be ready for the future practices.

Luka Kurtanidze (president of the Wrestling Federation): “The team must go on practicing. We are ready to talk to the offended people. We are ready to create good conditions to the sportsmen with the minister”.

Nugzar Skhireli: “I will be orientated on the same composition. One sportsman may be changed”.

Mikheil Saladze: “I am not going to have controversy with anybody. Anyone who wants to defend dignity of his country, let him come and practice”.

The coaches will start working tomorrow. Their main goal is to set the team in optimal shape for Russian European Cup.

Lasha Koiava

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