
13:01 | 15.02.2014 | Viewed NaN

Unplanned Sparring of "Zestafoni" against "Aarhus"

“Zestafoni” will hold the friendly match against “Aarhus” Denmark of Davit Devdariani, Davit Skhirtladze and Mate Vatsadze.

“Aarhus” played against “Maribor” Slovenia on Friday, but after 12 minutes, it started raining and the match was stopped. Danish club leadership decided to make restitution and offered “Zestafoni” hold the control match and head coach of the team Gia Geguchadze agreed. The meeting will be held today and it will start at 17:00 Tbilisi time. On February 16 “Zestafoni” plays against “Turnovo” Macedonia.

Lasha Tabagari
