
14:48 | 23.04.2013 | Viewed 0

Khutsishvili is being Examined in Mainz Clinic


Davit Khutsishvili one of the members of Georgian free style wrestling team will be examined by German specialists. Georgian wrestler (74 kg) injured his shoulder at European Tbilisi Championship and as a result, he stayed beyond the top three. The coaches were scared that one of the most experienced members of the team had a serious trauma. The was a risk that he would miss world championship in autumn, but Georgian analyzes showed that his shoulder was just twisted and not broken.

Zurab Kakhabrishvili the doctor of Georgian national team stated that this trauma does not need operationa and it will not disturb him to wrestle at World championship, but in spite of this, according to their decision, he was sent to European clinics for analyzes.

"German specialist have been our friends for a long time, in such occasions they always help us. We sent them X-ray images of Dato to them and they also proved that he does not need operation. In spite of this we sent Khutsishvili to Mainz clinic, for analyzing"-stated Zuraabrb Kakhabishvili the head coach of national team to "World Sport".
