
15:50 | 26.07.2013 | Viewed []

Khotenashvili and Melia Advanced


At European 14th Individual chess championship after three rounds there are 4 leaders and among them there are 2 Georgians. Bela Khotenashvili (2512), Salome Melia (2428), Aleksandra Goriachkina (Russia, 2401) and Ina Gaponenko (Ukraine, 2393) are leaders.

In the third round Khotenashvili beat Russian Marina Romanko (2368) and Melia beat Serbian Maria Manakova (2351) with white pieces.

As you know, there are 15 Georgian participants at this following tournament which is underway in Belgrade. Sophiko Guramushvili (2421), Nana Khurtidz (2443), Maia Lomineishvili (2351) and Nino Batsiashvili (2405) are close to leadership. They have 2.5-2.5 points and relevantly they are on th 17th, 24th, 27th and 30th places.

In the fourth round leaders play against each other and Georgians play with black pieces. Goriachkina plays against Khotenashvili and Gaponenko against Melia.


The results of Georgian players

Nana Dzagnidze (2558) – 2.0 points (ranking changes – 6.50)

Bela Khotenashvili (2512) – 3.0 points (+7.30)

Lela Javakhishvili (2465) – 2.0 (-2.40)

Nino Khurtidze(2443) – 2.5 (3.20)

Salome Melia (2428) – 3.0  (+8.90)

Sophiko Guramishvili (2421) – 2.5 (+4.40)

Nino Batsiashvili (2405) – 2.5 (+2.30)

Maia Lomineishvil (2351) – 2.5 (+4.80)

Maka Purtseladze (2349) – 2.0 (8.70)

Sophio Gvetadze (2341) – 1.5  (+0.90)

Meri Arabidze (2320) – 1.5 (+0.00)

Miranda Mikadze (2314) – 1.5 (-12.90)

Ana Gavasheli  (2170) – 1.0 (-10.50)

Sopho Nikoladze  (2163) – 1.0 (-4.95)

Madona Bokuchava  (2109) – 1.5  (-6.00)
