
20:15 | 21.01.2014 | Viewed []

Skhirtladze Took Remarks into Consideration


In the opinion of Brian Steen Nielsen (sports director of “Aarhus” Denmark), Davit Skhrirtladze took their remarks into consideration and in spring will be is good playing shape.

“Considering his weight and other data, I think that he would be in good physical shape after the winter break. In my opinion, he also took our remarks into consideration before the holidays. This process was calm, when we spoke with him in October. There is something that the player took near to his heart, but it also means that he goes to the right way” – reports the words of Nielsen.

Last summer and autumn Skhirtladze had some problems in “Aarhus” with regard to discipline. Because of this, in August at one of the matches, head coach of the team Peter Sorensen did not put him on the list, and in October dismissed him from the trainings prematurely.

Lasha Tabagari

