
21:22 | 6.12.2013 | Viewed NaN

World Championship 2010 Final will be Repeated at the Group Stage 2014

2010 World Cup finalists, Spain and Dutch national teams will play against each other in the first round of the group stage of the Championship 2014. World football’s European Grandees are in the B group together with Chile and Australia.

At the opening match of the Championship in Brazil, which will be held on June 12, the host team will face Croatia.

D and G groups show more interest compared to other teams. In the first case, Italy and England will meet each other, and in the second – Germany and Portugal.

A Group

Brazil, Croatia, Mexico, Cameroon

12/06/14 - Brazil-Croatia

13/06/14 – Mexico-Cameroon

17/06/14 – Brazil-Mexico

18/06/14 – Cameroon - Croatia

23/06/14 – Cameroon - Brazil, Croatia - Mexico



B Group

Spain, Netherlands, Chile, Australia

13/06/14 – Spain-Netherlands, Chile-Australia

18/06/14 Australia - Netherlands, Spain - Chile 

23/06/14 – Australia - Spain, Netherlands - Chile



C Group

Colombia, Greece, Côte d’Ivoire, Japan

14/06/14 – Colombia - Greece, Côte d’Ivoire - Japan

19/06/14 – Colombia - Côte d’Ivoire, Japan - Greece

24/06/14 – Japan - Colombia, Greece - Côte d’Ivoire



D Group

Uruguay, Costa Rica, England, Italy

14/06/14 – Uruguay Costa Rica, England - Italy

19/06/14 – Uruguay - England

20/06/14 – Italy - Costa Rica

24/06/14 – Costa Rica - England, Italy - Uruguay



E Group

Switzerland, Ecuador, France, Honduras

15/06/14 – Switzerland - Ecuador, France - Honduras

20/06/14 – Switzerland - France, Honduras - Ecuador

25/06/14 – Honduras - Switzerland, Ecuador - France



F Group

Argentina, Bosnia, Iran, Nigeria

15/06/14 – Argentina - Bosnia

16/06/14 – Iran - Nigeria

21/06/14 – Argentina - Iran, Nigeria - Bosnia

25/06/14 – Nigeria - Argentina, Bosnia - Iran



G Group

Germany, Portugal, Ghana, USA

16/06/14 – Germany - Portugal, Ghana - USA

21/06/14 – Germany - Ghana

22/06/14 – USA - Portugal

26/06/14 – Portugal - Ghana, USA Germany



H Group

Belgium, Algeria, Russia, Korea

17/06/14 – Belgium - Algeria, Russia - Korea

22/06/14 – Korea - Algeria, Belgium - Russia

26/06/14 – Algeria - Russia, Korea - Belgium






49 - A1-B2

50 - C1-D2


51 - B1-A2

52 - D1-C2


53 - E1-F2

54 - G1-H2


55 - F1-E2

56 - H1-G2




57 – 49-50

58 – 53-54


59 – 51-52

60 – 55-56




61 – 57-58


62 – 59-60


Match for the 3rd place


63 – 61-62




64 – 61-62


Misha Zakareishvili
