After the defeat with “Luch-Energyia” Vladivostok 2:3 in the 1/8 final of the Russian Cup, Gogita Gogua, midfielder of “SKA_Enrgyia” announced that the main referee “smothered” his team.
“We played well as usual and looked like better than our opponents, but as always they were unlucky. I congratulate “Luch” its victory and ending a football year. Those who watched the match took great pleasure, because they saw really good football. The only unpleasant thing is that the referee “intervened” in the game and again invented a penalty in our goal. In that episode there was not even close situation to the penalty. I do not see point of the game in Vladivostok. The referee is not looking to the other side and forgives nothing. It is the second match we play better in Vladivostok, but the referees “smother” us and put penalties in our goal” – reports it.
Lasha Tabagari
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