
19:44 | 25.02.2014 | Viewed 886

Giorgi Chanturia: "I Am Thinking Only about "Cluj"


Giorgi Chanturia said in the conversation with that now he is a player of “Cluj” and just thinks about achieving success in this team.

- Okay, but if I ask you about “Verona”?

- I say that this is a big club and a big team. Iturbe and Luca Toni play there. I love Italy, because it is a fantastic country.

- Itrurbe will leave “Verona” at the end of the season. If you join this team, you will be the perfect partner for Luca Toni.

- Due to my abilities, I think this will be good. Yes, it’s true. Play together with Toni would be good, because he is an important player who scores the goals. Why not? However, now I am thinking about “Cluj”, because I have contract with them and I want to show myself.

- You are called Georgian Messi. This is heavily-carried nickname.

- This information is fabricated by newspapers and nothing more. Messi is a phenomenon, an incredibly strong player and makes fantastic things. He is my idol.

- Who do you like in Italy?

- Mario Balotelli. He is a great football player.

- Let’s talk about the present. How do you feel in “Cluj?

- People met me good there. I am happy.

- However, you dream about Italy?

- Why not.

- What is you dream?

- I want to win in Champions League. Playing in Italy would be good. “Verona” is a good team.

Lasha Tabagari
