Levan Gorgadze celebrated another victory on the second day of Natsu Basho.Tochinoshin defeated second maegashira Daieisho.
It was the 7th meeting bout between Tochinoshin and Daieisho. Levan has won 6 and lost only 1.
As a result, Tochonoshin has won both two bouts at the tournament. He needs 6 wins for positive balance. However, he must win at least 8 bouts to gain ozeki title.
Tomorrow Tochinoshin will wrestle against fourth maegashira Okinoumi. The Georgian beat him 7 times and lost 5 times.
Unlike Tochinoshin, Teimuraz Jugeli lost his meeting. Gagamaru fell to Kyokutaisei.
Gagamaru won 1 and lost 1 bout. His next opponent will be Chiyonoumi.