
17:42 | 23.01.2016 | Viewed []

Levan Kobiashvili: "The Situation Around Tskhadadze is the Initiative of those Individuals, Who Lost the Elections and Could Not Tolerate with It!"
"While Kobiashvili is GFF's President, No One Can Interfere In His Competence"

Georgian national team will have a new coach. It is already clear. GFF’s President Levan Kobiashvili at today’s press conference that the Executive Committee will gather in the near future and will raise the issue of Tskhadadze’s release. Kobiashvili added that for him Tskhadadze could not train the team anymore.

Besides Kobiashvili, GFF’s General Secretary Davit Mujiri and the first vice-president Kakha Chumburidze attended the press conference. Yesterday, on TV channels GDS and “Maestro” Chumburidze disclosed the details of the contract and also announced the salary of Tskhadadze: 100 000 Gel per month.

Levan Kobiashvili: -It was unacceptable and unclear to me what Kakha Tskhadadze was saying. The negotiations between me and him started six weeks ago and I offered him not fixed salary but the half and plus bonus-system. We have held three meetings and I told him I was supporting his presence in the team but with a new contract. Unfortunately, I got refusal from Kakha after all the meetings. This controversy is completely on Tskhadadze. The last meeting took place in the evening before his press conference, where I explained what I was offering once again. Tskhadadze knew that I would not be in Tbilisi for two days and after that meeting, he was not answering either my calls or messages. So, it is clear how he respects me, which I really do not deserve.

… Except the fact that people are interested, I am obliged to talk about the financial details: the Federation pays 1.5 million for Tskhadadze’s contract, which would reach 3 million in the next two years. As for his staff, they were taking 800 000 Gel per year. I offered Kakha to pay 50 percent of his wages (50 000) plus bonus. I emphasize, Kakha would get his usual salary (100 000 Gel) a month if the national team took the third place and he would have received an additional 50 percent of his salary in case of the second position.

… In April 2015, the Georgian Football Federation gave Tskhadadze interest-free loan in the sum of 100 000 USD in so-called unpaid period. According to today’s data, he has 50 000 USD debt. I also offered him to zeroing this amount in case of signing new contract.

… Tskhadadze has other debts as well. In June 2009, the Federation’s Executive Committee discussed the issue: Tskhadadze requested to go to “Inter” Baku from the Georgian U-21 team. The following is written in a statement of that time: “Tskhadadze said that financial moment is the most important for him”. The Executive Committee released Tskhadadze from the U-21 team and Kakha had to pay the Federation 40 000 Gel as compensation, but it is not paid.

… And after this I put a question: Is there necessary a coach, who has no hope that the program can be done and that’s why he requires fixed salary and refuses bonus system. Kakha did everything to mess up the situation.

… He called every player of the team to support him. The players did not know the situation and that’s why they were supporting him in their statements.

… It turns out that the offer of Federation’s President does not mean anything for Tskhadadze and according to him, the other makes decisions and not me. He also notes that Levan Kobiashvili is his friend. He is my friend too, but these accusations are offensive: Levan Kobiashvili was and always will be independent president.

… It was hard to hear what Tskhadadze said yesterday. It turns out as if he heard about the offer just now. This is a lie and absolute nonsense. His contracts says that the Federation may review coach’s terms and conditions at any time.

… During the time Kobiashvili is GFF’s President, no one can interfere in his competence. Some people are trying in vein to mess up the situation in the Federation. I say to those individuals, who had previously worked in the Federation and had their personal interests. Their place will never be in the Federation again!

… Tskhadadze’s recent news is the initiative of that group, which lost the elections on October 3 and could not tolerate with it!

… The Executive Committee will meet in the near future and discuss Tskhadadze’s release, but for me he will no longer work for the national team. It is disappointing, but Tskhadadze did everything for it… it is too early to speak about new candidates.

Kakha Chumburidze: “The team was in the fifth place when Tskhadadze came and completed the group on the same position too. He had progresses sometimes and that’s why the Federation offered him a new contract, which would be result-oriented. Kakha refused it and at the same time with such an aggressive and unacceptable manner”.

Davit Mujiri: “Kakha Tskhadadze damaged not only Federation with his words, but the bodies of the government as well. The Federation and the Sports Ministry are going to work together and we would like to put the equal funding system of the clubs in motion in February. It is a pity that there are individuals, who are trying to mess up everything after October 3.”
