The third day of World Judo Championships 2015 turned out to be unsuccessful for the Georgian team. Two Georgians wrestled in 73 kg and both of them lost before ¼ final.
Nugzar Tatalashvili started participation from the second round. He defeated Dmytro Kanivets of Ukraine (1:3). In the third round the Georgian won over Shuai Sun of China by waza-ari and yuko.
In 1/8 final Tatalashvili lost to Odbayar Ganbaatar of Mongolia by one shido.
Lasha Shavdatuashvili also wrestled in 73 kg but in the first round he failed to Pierre Duprat of France by hansoku-make.
Tomorrow champions and prize winners will be revealed in 81 kg. Avtandil Tchrikishvili and Ushangi Margiani will wrestle in the name of Georgia.
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