11:36 | 20.09.2012 | Viewed 2628

Kote Tugushi:" Vladimir Boisa will Play in "Armia"


“Armia” champion of Georgia, winner of Cup and Super Cup is going preparing for 2011-12 seasons, for competition at European tournaments like Euro-Challenge 2012-13. “World Sport” talked to Kote Tugushi about news and future plans for the club.


- What about changes in “Armia”?
- Besides legionaries (Geremy Richardson, Wiliam Thomas, Guillermo Diaz, Benjamin Woodside), Vakhtang Minashvili, Revaz Atanelishvili, Levan Moseshvili and Buba Kvimsadze left “Armia. Instead of them we transferred Lasha Gamkrelidze, Lasha Pargalava, Giorgi Jgerenaia, Beka Tsivtsivadze, Lamayn Wilson, Ketris Mileij and famous Georgian basketball player Vladimer Boisa. This following information is exclusive for “World Sport”. As for the old staff of the club, Anatoli Boisa, Zviad Babiashvili, Davit Ugrekhelidze, Irakli (Davit) Sakvarelidze and Giorgi Sharabidze stayed in the club. As for the member of Swedish national team Yoakim Shelbom, who was playing for “Armia”, there are negotiations with him and he might stay in the club.
There are changes in coach board too. Instead of Avto Beridze who was fitness coach, Davit Tortladze will work.
- Have you signed one-year contract with these basketball players, who you mentioned?
- Besides Tsivtsivadze, whose checking deadline is till January, 2013, all other players have one-year contract with “Armia”. Beka will stay or not in “Armia” till the end of the season it depends on him.
- Are any changes planned in “Armia”?
- We are not going to add any Georgian basketball player. We want to compete well at Euro Challenge and that’s why we would like to use legionaries.  We have already two legionaries and we are going to add other three ones. As far as you know Mileij and Wilson are No.1 and No.4 players. According to it, new legionaries of “Armia” will be No.2, No.3 and No.5.
- On October 13 starts Georgian national championship, on November 6 Euro Challenge starts for “Armia”. When the staffing process finishes?
- Approximately in a week we will have team. We are planning to have meeting at 2012-13 season.
- Three players from 4 who did not help Georgian national team at final stage of Euro-2011 (Nikoloz Tskitishvili, Vladimer Boisa, Lasha Gamkrelidze, Lasha Pargalava) joined “Armia” (Boisa, Gamkrelidze, Pargalava)…
- Staying these players beyond national team was coach board’s decision (Kokoskov, Tugushi, Ustiashvili, Stodt). If they deserve, they will gain place in national team again.
- I congratulate you and all basketball fans going through the final tournament of Euro-2013. National team took the second place in qualifying round. How do you think, was it possible to take the first place?
- Taking the first place also was possible, but it was quite possible to stay beyond the final stage. We achieved the main goal and we will compete at final stage of Euro-2013.

Roland Labuchidze
 Photo by Badri Ketiladze

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